The Geography Book teaches children about maps.
The book contains engaging activities.
Excellent reviews from geography teachers.
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The Geography Book review
The Geography Book: Activities for Exploring, Mapping, and Enjoying Your World (ages 8 and above) teaches children about maps and map reading. Children learn the different types of maps and how maps can provide a lot of information. They also learn a bit about geology, why there are earthquakes, how various landforms are created and all the processes that made the Earth the beautiful planet that it is today.
The book also contains lots of engaging activities. For example, kids learn how to map their neighborhood. The book has received excellent reviews from both parents and geography teachers, which is another reason why we highly recommend it.
Skills developed: map skills
Children learn to read a map, they learn about the differents kinds of map, how maps are designed (for example what latitude and longitude mean). They also learn geology facts about planet Earth.
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