Jeopardy Games
Jeopardy games are based on the popular American TV show Jeopardy! They feature trivia questions on history, the arts, literature, science, geography, sports and many other topics. The show enjoyed decades of success in the US and many other countries. It is therefore a fun game and it is also educational! That is why we include it in our list of recommended trivia games. How Jeopardy is being played Why we recommend it Jeopardy is a great group or family game. It is also highly enjoyable and it can make learning fun. The trivia questions are mainly educational and cover a range of topics (math, science, geography, history etc). Players do not realize that they are learning in the process. Therefore, the game is a great way to reinforce school subjects . There are also different levels of the game available (usually starting from third grade, etc).
The only drawback of this game is that you have to use the booklet while questions could have been directly displayed on the screen. However, taking into account the price of the game (less than 20 dollars), we consider that it is only a small drawback especially if you play it at home and everybody gathers around a table. Besides the questions contain interesting facts and the sound effects using the buzz button are great!
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